Wednesday, March 21, 2007



This song really relates to how Aureliano feels about Fernanda. He wants everyone to recognize her true beauty inside and out. The song connects to his perspective when it comes to her and what part she plays to his life.


The problem that seems to not have real solution is Armanta's love life. She can't find someone who truly satisfies her completely, or meet the standards of her wants even if she has feelings for them. First she chases deeply after Pietro, making idol threats and sending false messages to get her chance with him. The girl truly show insanity during these events, but ends up with Pietro. The killer of all this is that she rejects him in the end after he is chasing her. This really makes no sense because he as perfect for her all together but yet there was still something missing. Next there is Colonel Marquez. Obviously she doesn't want him because she think he is really a homosexual, but apparently he is not if he is chasing after her. She avoids him constantly even though there is nothing really wrong with him, and he would be good for her, yet he is denied. Last there is her nephew Aureliano Jose who she is attracted to, but I don't really understand if it's personal or physical. She is falling for him, sleeping in the same bed with him naked, kissing, but yet he isn't right for her. Not only because they are related, but because he is too young. But even if these factors still weren't true, there would probably still be a reason she would deny him. Overall the problem is that Armanta can not be happy with anyone because she is so wound up in herself, as well as having unreasonable reasons for not making her self vulnerable. The solution to this problem would simply be for Armanta to be treated the way she has treated these three men , and then maybe she would be more aware of her actions and how she does others.

Meaningful Passage

"The interrogation was a revelation for Jose Arcadio Segundo. It did not surprise him that the priest asked him if he had done bad things with women, and he honestly answered no, but he was upset with the questions as to whether he had done them with animals. The first Friday in May he received communion, tortured by curiosity. Later he asked Petronio, a sickly sexton who lived in the belfry and who, according to what they said, fed himself on bats, about it, and Petronio answered him: 'There are some corrupt Christians who do their business with female donkeys.' Jose Arcadio Segundo stilled showed much curiosity and asked so many questions that Petronio lost his patience.

'I go Tuesday nights.' he confessed. 'If you promise not to tell anyone I'll take you next Tuesday'"

- The thing that boggles my mind is the fact that the priest asked about his personal life with animals. Does this mean that the priest was making sure Segundo was a truly clean person. or does it mean that he actually has an interest in this and wants to know if Segundo shares it with him. If so, its probably to protect the sanctity of his priesthood by not being with women, but there is still no straightforward reason

- Another boggling question is how Segundo knew exactly who to go to in order to cure his curiosity. Petronio is full of answers for him and this seems a little strange that he was picked out of all possible people, especially the priest, which was the one that brought it up. Of course he seems weird because he is possibly eating bats, and is sickly (which is not sad to be physically or mentally) which may cause him to turn to such activities, but this isn't stated clearly or hinted at.

- The last boggling question is how Segundo is so easily conned into such an activity and lets his curiosity take over his religious life. Does this means that he wasn't serious about this particular path to begin with, or does it mean that this was just a cover up for subconscious thoughts and intentions he already had.

Monday, March 19, 2007

3rd Thought

So far, we've read 10 chapters and the book is getting weirder and weirder. How can someone like Jose Arcadio Segundo be invloved with a religious life and be dedicated and yet turn to fighting chickens and sex with donkeys. No on e in the book has any shame from the acts of beastiality to incest. Another thing that seems to be real bothersome is the fact that Armanta is becoming a "manizer" more and more as we read. She has basically thrown herself to two different males and is constanly playing mind games. She has no kind of future or lifestyle for herself. Then for all the Jose Arcadios, they all have this interest in discovery which is really disturbing cause it does nothing but lead to solitude. Only on has succeded with their inventions and thats Jose Arcadio Segundo. Hopefully something moral, happy, and fulfilling will occur in the book later instead of the same solitary, depressed, incestral, and death filled chapters that have been occuring.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

2nd thought

So far, the story I'm kinda confused on why the characters have basically the same name. Then you have all the women just sleeping around with whoever. The story itself to me is getting very twisted. No one is really too sure of their self i the book and is always going on different paths. For example, the way that Rebeca risked her life for Pietro against Armanta, just to go out with Jose Arcadio in the end. My personal opinion is htat everyone is completely insane and need to find God, and I'm not talking about the street lol.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

1st thought

I am truly concerned for Jose Acardio Buendia's well-begin and how he is acting. He disregards his family as a whole to try to take part in making gold that probably will never happen in all actuality. I don't know how they survive as a family if he constantly taking the inheritance that Ursula has. What will happen when they run out of money? What if he never ever finds the formula to make gold? Will he end up doing this for the rest of his life? Then the whole "discovery" of ice comes up. What is so fascinating about it. Its just frozen water, and it doesn't seem like something that would remind anyone of ice in any kind of way. Well hopefully my questions will be answered later on in the story.